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are getting and what it’s
going to cost you
Know Exactly what you
are getting and what it’s
going to cost you

Wills, Trusts and Estate
Omega Wills will come to your home, listen to what you want, consider the ‘what if’ scenarios and then, in a matter of days, you will receive a draft of your Will according to your instructions.
The process of making a Will should be relatively painless and as a guide, our process starts with a free consultation.

Business Wills
You worked hard to build your business – let’s help keep it going. Especially if your family depends on the income.
Writing a Business Will allows you to make sure your business is left in the best hands; whether as a temporary measure, long term or until the next generation is ready to take over.

Lasting Power of Attorney
It’s vital to have our affairs organised in the event of death but also in life.
A Lasting Power of Attorney (‘LPA’) is a legal document that lets you (the ‘donor’) appoint one or more people (known as ‘attorneys’) to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf.
This gives you more control over what happens to you if you have an accident or an illness and cannot make your own decisions (you ‘lack mental capacity’).
Why have a will?
The absence of a Will can cause problems, heartbreak, financial hardship and unnecessary expense for your family at the worst possible time.
For a small investment of time and money, you can write what you want in your will, protecting your loved ones whilst enjoying peace of mind.
To avoid dying ‘intestate’ (without a will) and allowing your possessions to be distributed according to the law of intestacy. In your will, you can appoint a guardian, a person of your choice to look after your children if you should die before they reach 18.
It is commonly believed that husbands and wives are automatically entitled to inherit everything from each other. This is not the case.
It becomes even worse if you are not married, as your partner won’t inherit your estate and fathers, may not have automatic guardianship of their own children.
Increased property values may make your estate liable to Inheritance Tax (Death Duties). This can be minimised or even eliminated by a carefully written will.
Institute of Professional
Your Will is an important document, You shouldn’t leave it to chance who you pick to draft it.
Pick a professional.
The Institute of Professional Willwriters (IPW) was founded in 1991 as a self-regulatory body to safeguard the public from unqualified practitioners and unethical business practices and has become established as the recognised professional body regulating and promoting the profession of Willwriting in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
All IPW members also have Professional Indemnity Insurance cover of a minimum of £2 million for each Will written. In order to ensure that our standards remain high, it’s mandatory to comply with the IPW Code of Practice which is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute under its Consumer Codes Approval Scheme.
Omega Wills offer you unbiased advice allowing you to make an informed decision.

Omega Wills offer you unbiased advice allowing you to make an informed decision.

Our services
Secure Document Storage giving peace of mind and invaluable service for our Customers and their Executors.
…for less than £1 per week!
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Probate & Estate Administration
We can do as much or as little as you require which may involve completing basic forms or acting as full executors. Whatever service you choose, we quote on a fixed fee basis.
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Will Trusts
Why, What and When?
However, just don’t let the Trust Tail Wag The Will Dog.
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Lasting Power of
Making a Will is one thing but what if you lost the capacity to manage your affairs?
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